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Naboulove power series: 2-Be N-POWERED BECAUSE YOU ARE POWER FULL

Ok Naboulove tagline is normally “Be empowered because you are powerful” I just changed the empowered by N-powered & powerful to power full . If I dared I would have written power filled…I dared. *SMILE

So what is “to empower” ? In the various definition I read it is described as “A management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power with employees “  or “the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work” . From the UN’s Guidelines to Women’s Empowerment ,Women’s empowerment is :

-Sense OF Self Worth as a woman

-The right to choose

– Access to resources & opportunities

-Control over their own lives at home & within the society

-Influential in achieving social justice within their nations & at the international level

I love taking my grandmother as an example : if she managed to be a financially independent Fulani woman in the Senegal  40’s what could possibly stop me now? Just wondering… But you will be surprised by my views on empowerment. Yes a stay at home mum can be more empowered than a high executive lady Boss. Unlike what can be thought some women make that conscious choice & they still have a voice in their couple without feeling used & abused. With new technologies many women operate home based business & are achieving some sort of financial independence that help them sustain to their basic needs. But anyway beside that general notion of empowerment , I believe that we need to “emancipate ourselves from mental slavery” to be in a  full process of empowerment. So what makes one power -fully  power filled and N-POWERED?

1- Do you say No or Yes when you really feel it & want it or do you just say it to please the crowd? Next time you say yes or no just think before you speak. The choice is yours.

2- Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability,  you are just being human with strengths & weaknesses . Cry without shame & let that pain Go & let God, he is in control.

3-  Expressing your pain & sorrow gives you a power , a sensitivity ,a humanity. Since you have had the strength to let God you become Fearless & totally Faithfull. There is so much power in faith.

4- Embrace change wherever it comes from, learn to integrate it as an opportunity to upgrade yourself physically, spiritually, Emotionally. So don’t be afraid when you are out of your comfort zone. What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.

5-Say it out loud the way you believe it, fight for your truth, be real. Really real. Just try do things for yourself without seeking  approval. You were born for a mission so open your wings & start flying because you can fly.

6- Be your sisters’ keeper, lend a hand to other women. Don’t judge until you wear her shoes. Respect differences, you are not more powerful because you carry a designer bag , have a rich husband or hold a MBA. Our sisters who carry heavy loads from dawn to dusk to guaranty a loaf of bread to their kids or sell puff puffs on the road side are much more courageous than us. Be open to those who are different from you. Be humble enough to learn , stop looking down. Praise the successful, support the mislead & try to make constructive critics. Or STFU (shut the fuck up –yeah I said it). There is power in appreciation. It shows you love yourself enough to love others. Envy is just a manifestation of low self esteem & self hate. If you didn’t know now you do…

7-Try to  Connect positively around you. Share your smile, your sorrows, your joys, your pains , your cause, your knowledge, your blessings. Be generous with your emotions & your experience. Your mistakes might help somebody. Sharing is caring. Connecting is strengthening. Connect, Communicate, Care.

8- Cultivate your inner Harmony– by doing what you can with what you have: its called contentment & start chasing procrastination with action by doing what you have to do when you have to do it. Hmm reminder to self.*Sigh

9- Nurture Love love & love. Let people deal with the rest :their insecurities, negativity & their own luggage. Step up & feel secure to love.

10-Stop apologizing for being you. Just stand up because you are a Powerfully power filled  & powerful sister, mother, daughter, wife, friend, woman.

“Be N-powered Because you are Power Full”
