• Back to the blogosphere after 4 months of hard work concentrating on my business…mmmm….Doing business in DrC is very challenging..You have all the company paper done, you need some more documents to open your doors , to sit in your office, to this, to that…But, at the end we made it, now running up and down chasing customers, changing secretary and challenging my micro team. Migraine as the month is ending, fights with my business partner, then we go again, confronting ideas , methods, visions, but doing it for real.
  • We are operating, Contract here, contract there and some days motivated, some other days feeling like staying in bed.But now I am the Boss.I have to show example, wake up sister,get up sister, it is time for you to BE, i want my voice to be heard, my management system is in place, and I am just fighting against negative thoughts and other Useless ideas that could cross my b…..y mind.
  • I was more on facebook experiencing social networking, remeeting my childhood friends, reconnecting with my remote family and re-being a Citizen of the world.But the dialog is scarce, the exchanges are seldom but the pictures are abundant.Anyway thanks to EK’s post who motivated me to come back to my blog shameless to display my African Life, Heritage and Pride.So to ya All Buongiorno, Konnichiwa, Hello,HABARI, Mbote,Nangadef,Diarama: the African mixed cultured lady is back on the Blog scene for more posts, thoughts, ideas and fun.